• Ensure that workers and office staff is not getting in contact with dangerous materials and that the working environment is clean and safe.


  • Ensure that Panorama staff working or visiting 3rd party sites at any time respect and act according to HSE regulation and standards for the sites.
  • Ensure that the workplace is safe.
  • Evaluate machines and appliances based on safety standards prior to acquisition and only procure high ranked equipment.
  • Warning signs shall whenever required be provided in the language of the workers.
  • Machine operators shall be trained and fully aware of safety measures.
  • Ensure that the safety equipment on machines and appliances are working at all time.
  • Test fire hydrant system weekly.
  • Ensure that Product Safety Specifications are available for Raw Materials and Finished Products.
  • Prevent unauthorised staff to enter the production area without special permission and only in guidance of a member of management or a production supervisor.


  • Provide air condition in the office and air fans in some areas of the factory shed.
  • Ensure appropriate ventilation.
  • Provide good illumination.
  • Provide noise reduction when required.
  • Provide washing facilities and toilets.


  • Provide helmets for installation and factory staff.
  • Provide safety shoes.
  • Provide protective eyeglasses to factory workers and installation staff.
  • Provide ear protection for operators of the saws.
  • Provide hand gloves.
  • Have a First Aid Box available in the Office, in the Factory Shed, and with the Installation Teams.


  • Sell uPVC and steel waste for recycling to product traders before the skips are full.
  • Dispose of packing material and other waste in an orderly manner according to the regulation and standards set by the Sohar Industrial Estate.
  • Maintain and keep the factory clean and tidy and any time.
  • Ensure that toilet and bath facilities are clean and kept in a good condition.


Ensure that all members of staff are aware of the HSE Guidelines and carry out practical training whenever required.


The HSE Committee of Panorama with the following members:

CEO, Operations Manager, and Supervisors shall meet once every second month to address, review, and improve HSE issues and awareness.

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